Backyard putting greens in Modesto are the ultimate practice accessory for golfers. Imagine being able to play anytime, as much as you want! It’s definitely a golfer’s dream come true. However, it’s also a serious investment. It’s not just a putting green— realistic artificial grass is also a major change to your landscape.
One of the most common questions we get here at Modesto Artificial Grass is related to the weather. How durable is putting green turf against storms and does it have a tendency to flood? Will my putting green melt if the day gets too hot?
Here’s our quick answer: Your synthetic putting green will remain immaculate no matter how harsh the weather gets.
Now, let’s get into the weather-resistant features of artificial grass installations.
The Weather and Your Artificial Putting Green
Putting greens are resilient against heat and flames.
California has a Mediterranean climate. As a result, we get really hot summers and a generally dry climate most of the year. It’s natural to wonder if something synthetic like artificial grass in Modesto can actually stand up against that heat.
The answer is absolutely.
Like a natural lawn, synthetic grass does get hot under the sun. However, they cool down pretty fast. Furthermore, you can hose it down or install shade to make the area more comfortable especially during the summer.
On top of that, our artificial putting greens are graded-fire resistant. In other words, it won’t burn like natural grass. Upon contact with fire, it will simply melt. To prevent that, simply keep potential fire hazards like grills and fire pits away from your artificial grass installation in Modesto CA.
Artificial putting greens drain water quickly.
It may not rain much here in sunny Modesto, but anytime it does, you don’t have to worry about your putting green.
Before we install your putting green, we’ll lay down a porous backing. This backing facilitates drainage, which is much more efficient than that on a natural lawn. Specifically, artificial grass can drain several gallons of water a minute.
Because of this, properly-installed putting greens don’t flood. And thanks to the built-in drainage system, synthetic turf dries out quickly after it rains, so you don’t have to wait in order to play again.
The fibers of putting green turf are durable and stay in place no matter what.
In case of storms and strong winds, expect your putting green to get through it without damage. As long as the seams and edges are secure, you only need to wait the bad weather out. Your putting green will be there, beautiful and functional as ever.
Enjoy the Finest Synthetic Putting Greens in Modesto!
For world-class, customized putting greens, trust Modesto Artificial Grass. As your installation team, we’ll make sure your new putting green is not just perfect for golfing, but also enhances your landscape. Call us today at 408-723-4954 to get started or send us a message here!