As temperatures rise, so does the need for water conservation. That is why more and more people are being conscious of their usage and looking for ways to be more eco-friendly. Artificial turf in Modesto is an easy way to reduce your bill while still maintaining a luscious green lawn.

How Much Water Does an Average Lawn Need?

If you own a home with a lawn, you’ve probably had to water it. Have you ever thought about how much water your lawn needs, though?

The average lawn consumes 10,000 gallons per year. That’s a lot more than the average person uses in drinking, cooking and bathing combined.

That might not be a big deal if it were raining all the time, but the truth is that most people live in dry areas that see little precipitation. The Southwest and California are good examples. People in these places don’t get enough rain to sustain large lawns. If they want to grow grass, they have to use irrigation systems or artificial grass.

Why Do Lawns Need So Much Water?

Lawns are thirsty. Grasses need a lot because they are mostly made up of thin, shallow roots that dry out quickly.

As the weather warms up, they dry out and need a lot of water to stay green and lush. That is why they tend to need more during summer than in spring and fall.

The Problem With Watering Natural Lawns

Grass Can Be Temperamental

Watering a lawn can be tricky. Too much or too often and you risk building up mold and algae. It can also attract pests. On the other hand, water it too little, and your grass can turn brown and even die.

There are also times when you shouldn’t water your lawn at all, like when heavy rainfall is expected or when the ground is frozen. Fortunately, you won’t face the same concerns when you have an artificial grass installation in Modesto, CA.

A Ton of Water Waste

There is also a lot of water waste when watering a natural lawn. Oftentimes, people don’t realize that their sprinklers are watering their pavement or their neighbor’s yard.

Even if you are able to get your watering schedule just right, there can still be a lot of waste when the water isn’t absorbed evenly by the soil. The water can also evaporate before the roots can absorb it.

Water Pollution

Lawns are a leading cause of water pollution in America. This happens when the excess water runs off into local streams, rivers and lakes.

In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared that nonpoint source pollution (runoff from lawns and other areas) is the single largest cause of impairment to lakes and ponds, and one of the top two causes of impairment to rivers and streams.

Nonpoint source pollution also contributes to dead zones in our oceans where no aquatic life can survive.

High Water Bills

The cost of watering a lawn varies depending on several factors, like its size and the weather in your area. In general, you can expect to pay an average of $100 per month to keep the grass alive and healthy. That’s a lot.

Watering Restrictions

Today, many communities across the country are facing droughts. In fact, in some cases, the supply is so low that mandatory watering restrictions are being issued. These restrictions can make it difficult for landscapers to keep their yards looking lush and beautiful.

How Does Artificial Grass Conserve Water?

Artificial grass in Modesto Doesn’t Need Water

Besides hosing it down occasionally to rinse off dust and dirt, synthetic turf doesn’t need water to look and feel great. Homeowners who have it installed in their yards will never have to worry about watering their lawns again.

Retires Sprinkler Systems

The average homeowner uses about two-thirds of their total annual usage on outdoor irrigation. With artificial grass, you will never have to worry about over-watering your lawn or wasting money on your sprinkler system.

No Need for Water Schedules

Watering a natural lawn at the right time of day is crucial in keeping it healthy. The best time to water a lawn is usually before 10 AM or after 4 PM when temperatures are cooler and there is less wind. Synthetic grass doesn’t need watering, so you don’t need to make time for its upkeep every day.

Cut Down Your Water Consumption With Artificial Turf in Modesto

Besides conserving water, artificial grass also costs less than natural grass overall. After installation, there are no more maintenance costs, no more mowing and trimming, and no more need for expensive lawn chemicals either.

Ready to install artificial grass in your yard? Modesto Artificial Grass has you covered with our high-quality synthetic turfs and expert residential installation services.

Call us now at 408-723-4954 or send us a message online, and let’s talk about your project!